Who is Brother Bede?

Sketch by Huw Fitzroy, Letters and Diaries of Queen Chipsa
Schematic sketch of the monastery that novice Huw Fitzroy visited on the outskirts of Rome.

In 1390 AD, nine hundred humans came to the Land of Nye from Planet Earth, including the resourceful Brother Bede who became the first Brown Wizard.

I joined a Benedictine abbey in Wales at the age of fourteen because it appeared to be my best chance for making the world a better place.  Looking back from the twenty-first century, it is obvious my efforts would have been better spent making improvements in the secular world, as I did in the Land of Nye.  Bear in mind that the fourteenth-century worldview was hierarchical, theocentric, and apocalyptic. 
— Brother Bede

These flashbacks to his previous life on Earth, written 600 years ago, are included in Part Four: Polara's Peace (tangential to the main story line). They are rich in references of interest to historians or history buffs—some wikipedia links are provided for those who wish to investigate further.

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