Planet Earth Team

History of the manuscript
In 1968, I had a conversation with Polara that resulted in my first notes about the Land of Nye. By 1983 the notes had developed into a 42-page manuscript (a four-act play), a map, and three songs. Those items were miraculously preserved in my archives until the year 2009 (Earth time) when Chipsa and I began the current round of writing and editing.

Chipsa had given me the words and tunes to three songs, and I needed help with accompaniments and guitar chords. In September of 2009, I dropped off my wife Susan at a baby shower in East Haddam, Connecticut and then went to Westbrook to meet with two musician friends. A year or two after that, another musician friend, Jeanette Gross, took over the composition work. By that time, Chipsa had given me three more songs. The six songs, with complete sheet music, will make up Volume 3 of The Letters and Diaries of Queen Chipsa.

Jeanette is a Registered Nurse who also holds the degree “Doctor of Musical Arts.” She is also Vice President of the Bawa Health Initiative, one of the three charities (also listed on page 185 of Part 3). A multi-talented individual.

Cover design & website
My sister, Margaret Anderson, has worked in the field of publishing and design for over 30 years. First, she created the cover for Volume 1, based on my sketched maps, and guided us through the process of getting the manuscript into printed form. Second, she created this website.